Welcome to my blog!

This is my blog to created to share my decorating ideas. I'm no expert, so some creations may be my amateur version of experts'. I created this to help inspire other people like me who have big ideas and little know-how. This is to encourage you to believe that you can do whatever you dream of.

I also share about my life as a redhead with a lot of opinions, my experiences as a twenty-something year old nearing thirty, and the whole crazy wedding planning process for my fiance and me.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Painting an Upholstered Chair

I keep seeing and hearing about painted upholstered chairs and thought it would be a good option for someone who can't reupholster (i.e. ME). Then, once I saw my friend's chairs she painted, I loved how they looked and decided to go for it. Look how cute hers are!
Adorable, right?
I used a chair I bought at a resell shop that I have been meaning to reupholster. I liked the look of the chair, but the velvet fabric was a little outdated and had some small stains on it.
Here is the chair before:
Here is another picture that shows the color more accurately.
You may remember it from this post.
 I was a little nervous to paint a chair I already liked, but once I got started, I liked the way the white looked. It provided more of a contrast to the color of the wood.
Here you can see the difference between the white painted part and the original.
 I thought about leaving the pins and the trim in the original color, but in the end, I wanted to keep it simple. I'm really glad I did.
I used white fabric paint from Michael's. The fabric paint makes the paint not as rough as wall paint would. I knew the paint would make the fabric more stiff, but I did not realize how quickly the fabric soaks up the paint. I probably used about six bottles of fabric paint on this one chair.
Here is the final product:
I like it much more in the white than the original faded gold-ish velvet fabric. Overall, it was a fairly quick and easy update!

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